Ad Rem – Density Separators
Ad Rem delivers turn-key plants to recover metals and plastics from post shredder residue, with the focus on ASR (automotive shredder residue), WEEE (waste of electrical and electronic equipment) and IBA (incinerator bottom ash).
Ad Rem was established in 2008 as a joint venture between the Galloo group, Belgium’s largest recycler, and the Valtech group, a group of engineering firms focused on designing and producing equipment for the recycling and environmental industry.
- Watch: AdRem Corporate Video
- Watch: Dense Medium Separation (Metals)
- Watch: Plastic Separation
- Ad Rem Brochure

Cimbria SEA – Optical Sorters (Full Colour & NIR)
The Cimbria SEA.CX Optical Sorter is equipped with full RGB (and optional NIR or UV) cameras, with a resolution of 0.1 mm. Optical sorters such as the Cimbria SEA.HY can recover precious materials and remove non-conforming products, thus improving the overall purity of the final output. Systems can automatically be configured to run with or without re-pass mode, giving you the option to increase productivity and/or final quality. The Cimbria SEA.TN Optical Sorter determines and separates the smallest of colour and shade differences from almost any bulk commodity.
Goudsmit – Magnetic Systems
Goudsmit produce a unique range of magnetic separation systems, capable of recovering even the finest magnetic and non-magnetic particles. The range of eccentric Eddy Current Separators (ECS) with up to 950 pole changes p/sec, can separate even the finest non-ferrous fractions (>0.5 mm) from the product stream, without the risk of rotor burn-in. The all metal sorter (I-Sens) can remove any type of metal, such as N-Fe, Fe, St/St, from the product stream at high capacity. Product range also includes: High gradient, Neoflux, Over-band, Head roller and Block magnets.
IoSys – Polymer Recognition Systems (NIR & Sliding Spark)
The unique range of hand-held plastic identification systems from IoSys can even identify black plastics and tell you what fillers are present.
Hamos – Electrostatic and Tribo-electric Separators
The range of Hamos electrostatic and tribo-electric separators can sort polymers (even Black) and recover conductive from non-conductive fractions, widely used for the recovery of WEEE, ASR, PVC window frames, PET flake to name a few. Typical polymers recovered are: HDPE, PP, ABS, PS, PVC, Elastomers, PET, PP-filled. No liquids are required for the separation and a single system can separate many different plastics, regardless of specific weight or colour.
Mesutronic – Metal Detectors and Metal Separators
Mesutronic metal detectors and metal separators are used for machine protection and the recycling industry. They are also very beneficial for the removal of metal contamination within a non-conductive product mix, including plastics, wood, textiles, stones & minerals. This simple and cost-effective measure reduces the machine downtime and improves the final product quality.