Sorting and separation for recycling and food processing is easily achieved using electronic colour sorting as colour, size, shape, structural properties and chemical composition can easily be recognised using this method. For recycling products such as polymers and metals as well as food processing, Allcontrols can assist with recommending the correct machinery to obtain the best results.
Optical sorting solutions available from Allcontrols include: The Cimbria SEA.TN optical sorter – this machine determines and separates the smallest of colour and shade differences from almost any bulk material. It is perfect for any product stream and can combine the full-colour vision system with the NIR and InGaAs technologies. It is equipped with ultimate smart cameras with RGB sensors which recognise up to 16 million individual colours, with 0.6mm optical resolution, offering the highest optical resolution on the market, combined with the fastest possible speed. The sorter processing system compares objects to user-defined accept/reject criteria to identify and remove any imperfect and/or foreign products from the material stream. This is also useful for the separation of fraction of varying grades and types of materials.
If you would like more information or want to speak to a member of our team, please email us on or call our office on 01223 223900 and we would be happy to discuss your requirements.