20 years of allcontrols

20 years of allcontrols – our chronicle thus far

It’s hard to believe allcontrols celebrates its 20th birthday on 4th November 2023. During those 20 years the concept of recycling in people’s minds has taken positive leaps forward.

Following the introduction of the Household Waste Recycling Act 2003 in the UK, everyone is now realising the harm we are inflicting on our planet. The way we devoured all sorts of consumables with not a thought for how we deal with them at their end-of-life stage seriously had a change, and fast.

However our moral compass’ is so much more switched on to reducing, re-using and recycling now. Yes, more needs to be achieved we know that, but it feels like the recycling revolution has taken off across the world and everyone wants to be a part of it.

During these past 20 years, allcontrols has played its part as a key player in consulting and collaborating with recycling companies to find solutions on how to best to manage their various product streams. Whether it be a variety of different plastics/polymer types i.e. PVC, PS, Filled PP (PP20), HDPE, LDPE, PET, PP/PE, or Metals, PVC window profiles (post-industrial and post-consumer), Automotive Shredder Residue (ASR), WEEE, or a combination of some or all of these.

We have been instrumental in delivering real workable solutions for all our loyal customer base. Whether it’s through the purchase of a metal detector or metal separator, or the delivery and installation of a large recycling processing line, allcontrols pride itself on making sure the customer’s requirements is at the heart of its deliverable.

So with that in mind, and as part of celebrating our 20 years within the recycling industry, we thought it would be great to create a visual timeline of various work we’ve completed for our customers. Please note however, this illustrates merely a taste of what we have been involved in as we just couldn’t include everything. 


We hope you find the visual insightful?

If so and you would like to know more about allcontrols and what we do, or if you feel we can be useful to your recycling organisation to improve productivity; raise product yields; increase material purity or achieve all three, you can contact us via the following ways…

– Telephone us on 01223 223900
– Email us at info@allcontrols.co.uk
– Visit our website at www.allcontrols.co.uk